What Are the Responsibilities of a Freemason?

As a Freemason, you have been entrusted with three great duties: to God, to your neighbor, and to yourself. To God, you must never mention His name, but with reverence and respect. Freemasonry requires that its members abide by the laws of the country in which they live and work. The principles of Masonry should be put into practice in your daily life, helping you to fulfill your public and private responsibilities. The main function of a Marshal is to organize processions and ensure proper precedence and etiquette in formal procedures.

It is their duty to formally bring visitors to the lodge and introduce them to the members when the lodge is meeting. Masons consider all human beings as one family, and as such, they swear to act with respect and understanding towards others, and to help and support those in need. Masons understand that everyone has their own path and their own obstacles. They offer wise advice whenever they can, and provide support and protection when needed. Masons take responsibility for their communities and care for the people who live in them.

Communities are not limited by geography, and a Mason is a member of many communities through career, faith, and interests. The Secretary of the Lodge is the backbone of any Masonic Lodge and holds a position of great responsibility. He is responsible for all other lodge officers and their functions, for all lodge committees, rituals and undergraduate work, Masonic education, social functions, fundraisers, the link between the District and the Grand Lodge, communication with the Trestle Board, and more. Ultimately, it is his job to respond to the signs that the brothers have given him.

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